what a good little boy, and very loving parents, this shoot was to easy, and I took way to many pictures, because I just couldn't get enough!!! Just a few to share
such a happy boy!
and I can't get enough of these next couple of images, some of my all time favs!
from your engagement, to your family, and all that comes in between, I would love to capture your precious moments.
engagement, pregnancy, newborns, babies, toddlers, kids, teens, family, and all the in betweens.
I'll take 1 hour to 2 hour sessions, to take the time to get those great pictures. we'll play, laugh, and enjoy the time we have. no pressure, it's a relaxing time, as i let you be you, and get those perfect moments. it's on location, which means i come to you, your house, or a location of choice, or i can help decide a location.
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